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This is an archive of the Old Volks Home distributors parts and specification page accessed on 9/5/2018. All links open in the "Internet Archive" pages.

Distributor Parts & Specifications

Presented to you on this page are the complete listings of Bosch Replacement Parts for VW Beetles, Buses, Vanagons, Type 3 and Type 4 primarily for the North American Markets. In addition, we have also listed the Tune-Up Specifications needed for the application listed. As an added bonus, we have also listed by application the original Volkswagen Distributor Number, followed by a comma, then the corresponding Bosch Number that is usually stamped on the distributor casing. There is also a "Can Use" listing in each application. NEW! - There are two new listings for the Mexican manufactured Beetle Distributor. Please see the Index below.

A note about Bosch Product/Part Numbers: I've had a number of emails from those wondering why I use the Bosch 5 digit rather than the 10 digit part number. In 1978, in North America, Bosch changed most (but not all) of it's product numbering system to a 5 digit number and since this site is primarily geared towards North American listings, I have provided that product numbering system. Most parts houses these days use this numbering system in their daily use, so it's to the benefit of those in the North American area to have this information. I am in preparation of a page that will be posted on this site in the near future that will show a complete cross reference from 5 digit to 10 digit and vise-versa for the benefit of those outside North America, so stay tuned to this page.*UPDATE* Due to numerous requests, to properly "field identify" Distributor Vacuum Advance Units, I will soon start to include the original Bosch Long Number in paretheses () next to the Short Number. To properly ID the Vacuum Unit, the last 3 digits of the Bosch Long Number is usually stamped onto the attaching arm of the unit.

If you have questions, comments or spot an error, email me!.


Recent Updates

Thanks to the recent acquiring of Bosch Microfiche Plates and information provided by others (thanks to Karl Von Salzen & Richard Atwell for the major part), I've been able to update this page with a number of individual parts for distributors. As you look through the Index below, you will see *Updated* or *NEW* next to the link to reflect this. Not all of these items are available anymore, as obsolescence has creeped through both the Volkswagen and Bosch supply lines over the years (these fiche plates are dated from the mid 70s thru the early 90s). I have provided supersessions where ever it is possible, based on the information viewed on these plates. It is interesting to note that some items are still available from VW whereas not from Bosch and vise-versa. Some people will ask why would I provide listings on obsolete parts? The intent here is to provide information to be as complete as possible even if the part is discontinued. This provides knowledge as to interchangeability of parts from another unit if possible to get you back on the road. In addition, I have also included a few of the Mexican (Puebla) production distributors with what info I have now and may be subject to change as I get more data. My next big project related to this page is to prepare an obsolescence/supersession chart for those who wish to know what's still available either at VW or on the Aftermarket from Bosch (and just because it's in the VW Dealer or Bosch Price List doesn't mean it's still available either!).



This page was originally created in 1997 with much of the references I had collected over the past 25+ years of business. In addition many contributions, comments, suggestions and corrections have been made by the vast memberships of the Vanagon Mailing List, Vintage Bus Mailing List, Type 2 Mailing List, VintagVW Mailing List, WetWesties Mailing List and the web community of VW enthusiasts at large. To list them all would require a website of it's own, but I must mention the notables: Richard Atwell, Karl Von Salzen, Ron Lussier, Thom Fitzpatrick, Ken Hooper, David Raistrick, Ken Wilford, T R Clark, Jon Peters, Ron Salmon, Steve Herron, Matt Roberds, Tom Carrington, Jim Arnott, Ted Finesman, Jim Ellis (aka Rusty Van Bondo), Mark Dearing, Maurice (The Bosch Man!), Don Haight, Bill Keating, Bill Voit, Dave Schwarze, Ron Van Ness, Dennis Haynes, Derek Drew, Karl Bloss, Ric Golen, Steve Dolan, George Lyle, Dworkin, Doktor Tim, Brian Verbeek, Ronnie Feitelson, VW Howard, Bob Hoover, Eric (VeeWee111), Bill Bowman, Bob Scott (rest in peace Bob), and last but not least - my best bud Cliff who footed the bill to restart and keep the website up and running for a while. To those and many more, a heartfelt thanks. I get an average of about a dozen emails a day related to this one page and to those I thank for their response and support as well.


Cross Reference Feature Available!


OK, so now you have a distributor in your hand and you need to identify it, right? No sense in reading practically every application listing on this page, so I have added a companion page. Simply click here to go to that page. That new page features Volkswagen Distributors in OE Bosch Number order interchanged to the OE Volkswagen Number, it's subsequent replacement numbers, followed by the application(s) it was installed on. As an added feature, each application is crosslinked back onto this page (at the appropriate application page location) which features the necessary replacement parts, timing and other specifications. Special Note: This feature is not yet available for new Type 3, Type 4 or the Mexican Beetle Listings just published - but they will be there soon - keep checking back.


Distributor Vacuum Hoses - Where Do They Go?

Probably the most popular FAQ I get in my emails and some posted to the mailing lists are "Where do the Vacuum Hoses go?" This is mostly for the "volks" running the Dual Vacuum Distributors, mostly on 71-74 Type 1 Beetle & Ghia, 71 Only Type 2 Bus, so here's a link to click to an article I wrote for the list way back when:

Distributor Vacuum Hoses - Where Do They Go?



Now Let's Continue Below

In the case of superseded distributors, they will appear like this example:


Distributor: VW 113-905-205M, Bosch 0231 115 078 > 113-905-205T, 0231 167 029



What appears below is the index, by application. Click on the application shown in the index to go directly to the desired application location on this page. Distributors without applications or "Service Replacements" will appear at the bottom of the index by nickname (such as "009" or "050",) or actual VW or Bosch Number



Index - Applications

Beetle 49-12/53

Beetle 1/54-12/54

Beetle 1/55-60

Beetle 61-64

Beetle 1965

Beetle 66-67

Beetle Manual Trans 1968

Beetle Manual Trans 69-70

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 1968

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 1969

Beetle Manual Trans 1970

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 1970

Beetle Manual Trans 1971

Beetle Manual Trans 72-73

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 1971

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 71-73

Beetle Manual Trans 1974 California

Beetle Manual Trans 1974 Federal

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 1974 California

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans 1974 Federal

Beetle Manual Trans EFI 75-79

Beetle Auto-Stick Trans EFI 75-79

Beetle (Puebla, Mexico) With Points Distributor

Beetle (Puebla, Mexico) With Electronic Ignition thru 2004

Bus & Pickup 50-55

Bus & Pickup 56-59

Bus & Pickup 60-63

Bus & Pickup 64-65

Bus & Pickup 66-67

Bus & Pickup 1968

Bus & Pickup 69-70

Bus & Pickup 1971

Bus & Pickup 1972

Bus & Pickup Manual Trans 1973

Bus Auto Trans 1973

Bus & Pickup 1700 Manual Trans Dual Carb 1974

Bus 1700 Auto Trans Dual Carb 1974

Bus & Pickup 1800 Manual Trans Dual Carb 1974

Bus 1800 Auto Trans Dual Carb 1974

Bus 1800 EFI Auto Trans 1974 California

Bus & Pickup 1800/2000 Manual Trans 75-Early 76

Bus 1800/2000 Auto Trans 75-Early 76

Bus & Pickup 76-78 All States, 1979 Federal

Bus 1979 California (Elec. Ign.)

Vanagon 80-83 California (Elec. Ign.)

Vanagon 80-83 Federal

Vanagon 83-84 Wasserboxer Digijet

Vanagon 1985 Wasserboxer Digijet

Vanagon 86-91 Wasserboxer Digifant

Type 3 61-63 1500

Type 3 1964 1500N

Type 3 1964 1500S

Type 3 1964 1500S Service Replacement

Type 3 Early 1965 1500N

Type 3 Early 1965 1500S

Type 3 Late 1965 1500N

Type 3 Late 1965 1500S

Type 3 1966 1600

Type 3 1967 1600

Type 3 68-69 1600 FI Manual Trans

Type 3 1970 1600 FI Manual Trans

Type 3 69-70 1600 FI Automatic

Type 3 1971 1600 FI Manual Trans

Type 3 1971 1600 FI Automatic

Type 3 1972 1600 FI Manual Trans

Type 3 1972 1600 FI Automatic

Type 3 1973 1600 FI Manual Trans

Type 3 1973 1600 FI Automatic

Type 4 411 70-72 1700 D-Jetronic FI Manual Transmission *NEW!*

Type 4 411 71-72 1700 D-Jetronic FI Automatic

Type 4 412 1973 1700 D-Jetronic FI

Type 4 412 1974 1700 L-Jetronic FI

Models With "009" Distributor

Models With "050" Distributor

Models With VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031 Distributor

Models With VW 111-905-205AA, 0231 137 039 Distributor

Type 3 Models With VW 311-905-205Q, 0231 137 033 Distributor



Beetle 1949-December 1953 * 25HP to Eng 1-695 281


Distributor: VW 211-905-205E, Bosch VJR 4 BR 8/1 (0231 129 019) > 211-905-205F, VJR 4 BR 25/1 (0231 129 010) > 126-905-205 (0231 178 009) 
Can Use:
Points: 01 001
Condensor: 02 170
Rotor: 1237 332 072 (NLA) - Can use 04 008
Cap: 03 019
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: None
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Beetle Jan 1954-Dec 1954 * 36HP to Eng 1-945 526


Distributor: VW 111-905-205, VE 4 BRS 383
Can Use:
Points: 01 001
Condensor: 02 006
Rotor: 1234 332 026 (NLA) > 1234 332 068 (NLA)
Cap: 1235 523 000 (NLA) > 1239 999 013 (NLA)
Coil: 01 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: None
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Beetle 1955-1960 * 36HP


Distributor: VW 111-905-205C, Bosch VJU 4 BR 8/1 (0231 112 005) > 111-905-205F, VJUR 4 BR 8/1 (0231 115 020/040)
Can Use:
Points: 01 003
Condensor: 02 170
Rotor: 04 008
Cap: 03 019
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 1237 121 113 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Beetle 1961-1964 * 40HP


Distributor: VW 113-905-205A, Bosch ZV/PAU 4R2, 4R5 (0231 139 002) > 113-905-205B, 0231 139 006 > 311-905-205, ZV/PAU 4R4, 4R6 (0231 139 005) > 315-905-205B, 0231 137 031
Can Use: VW 111-905-205L or M, Bosch 0231 147 002 or 111-905-205N, 0231 137 005
Points: 01 006
Condensor: 02 006
Rotor: 04 010
Cap: 03 037
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 015 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 10deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 15-21deg @ 2.8 In. Hg



Beetle 1965 * 40HP


Distributor: VW 111-905-205L or M, Bosch ZV/JU4R3 (0231 147 002) > 111-905-205N or 113-905-205J, (Both VW Numbers are: Bosch 0231 137 005)
Can Use: VW 113-905-205A, Bosch ZV/PAU 4R2, 4R5 (0231 139 002), 113-905-205B, 0231 139 006, 311-905-205, ZV/PAU 4R4, 4R6 (0231 139 005) > 315-905-205B, 0231 137 031
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 016 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 5-11deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 23-28deg @ 3.5 In. Hg



Beetle 1966-1967 * 1300/1500


Distributor: VW 113-905-205K/L, Bosch 0231 137 009/010 > 315-905-205B, 0231 137 031
Can Use: VW 113-905-205M, Bosch 0231 137 021, 113-905-205T, 0231 137 035 or 036
Points: 01 009
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
(Note: Order 01 013 Points when using this Plate Assy)
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 6 Volt - 00 001, 12 Volt - 00 015
Blue Coil: 6 Volt - 00 016, 12 Volt - 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 24-28deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Beetle 1968 * 1500 Man Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205M, Bosch 0231 137 021
Can Use: VW 113-905-205T, Bosch 0231 137 035 or 036
Replacement: VW 111-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 137 039
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 006 (Replacement uses 04 033)
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Cap: 03 001 (Replacement uses 03 010)
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 024 (Replacement uses Bosch 1237 121 400)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC Static or @800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 32-35deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Beetle 1969-1970 * 1500/1600 Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205T, Bosch 0231 137 035 or 036
Replacement: VW 111-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 137 039
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 024 (Replacement uses Bosch 1237 121 400)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 32-35deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Beetle 1968 * 1500 Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205P, Bosch 0231 115 056
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 115 078, 113-905-205AD or AE, 0231 167 029
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227A, Bosch 1237 110 064
Condensor: 02 021 (Can use 02 039)
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 023
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 13-16deg @ 2200rpm, 25-28deg @ 3900rpm



Beetle 1969 * 1500 Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 115 078
Can Use: VW 113-905-205P, Bosch 0231 115 056, 113-905-205AD or AE, 0231 167 029
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227A, Bosch 1237 110 064
Condensor: 02 021 (Can use 02 039)
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 023
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 13-16deg @ 2200rpm, 25-28deg @ 3900rpm



Beetle 1970 * 1600 Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205T, Bosch 0231 137 036
Can Use:
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 024
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 32-35deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Beetle 1970 * 1600 Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205AD or AE, Bosch 0231 167 029 > 113 905 205AL, 0231 146 101
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 115 078
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227A, Bosch 1237 110 064
Condensor: 02 039
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 138
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 13-16deg @ 2200rpm, 25-28deg @ 3900rpm



Beetle 1971 * 1600 Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205AJ, Bosch 0231 167 049 > 043-905-205C, 0231 176 028
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AN, Bosch 0231 167 070 or 043-905-205C, 0231 176 028
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227A, Bosch 1237 110 064
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 223 (1237 122 969) (Formerly 07 091 [1237 121 851]
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 9-12deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 6-12deg @ 1500rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Beetle 1972-1973 * 1600 Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205AN, Bosch 0231 167 070 > 043-905-205C, 0231 176 028
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AJ, Bosch 0231 167 049
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227C, Bosch 1237 110 161
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 102
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 5-8deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 6-12deg @ 1500rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Beetle 1971 * 1600 Auto-Stick Trans


Important Note! The listing for this distributor appears ONLY in the Bosch References and does not appear in any Volkswagen Tune-Up References, nor in their Parts Microfilms. It may have been a "Service Replacement".


Distributor: Bosch 0231 167 012
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AH, 0231 167 053 or 043-905-205D, 0231 176 033
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 083
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown - May be the same as 113-905-205AH below



Beetle 1971-1973 * 1600 Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 113-905-205AH, Bosch 0231 167 053 > 043-905-205D, 0231 176 033
Can Use: VW 043-905-205D, Bosch 0231 176 033, 211-905-205Q, 0231 167 055, 211-905-205S, 0231 173 001
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227C, Bosch 1237 110 161
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 092
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 2-5deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 12-16deg @ 2200rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Beetle 1974 * 1600 Calif Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205C, 0231 176 028
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AN, Bosch 0231 167 070
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 114
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 5-8deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 6-12deg @ 1500rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Beetle 1974 * 1600 Federal Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205, Bosch 0231 170 034
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AL, Bosch 0231 146 101, VW 043 905 205 ZB (Mexico) (See Note Below)
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 059
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe and w/single vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 7-12deg @ 1600rpm, 20-25deg @ 3800rpm
NOTE: Volkswagen (with Bosch's help) now makes this distributor in Mexico and is available brand new and ready to install. Please click this link:Beetle (Puebla, Mexico) With Points Distributor to view the specs.



Beetle 1974 * 1600 Calif Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205D, Bosch 0231 176 033
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AH, Bosch 0231 167 053
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 118
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 2-5deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 12-16deg @ 2200rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Beetle 1974 * 1600 Federal Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205A, Bosch 0231 170 036
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 059
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/ strobe and w/single vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 13-15deg @ 2300rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Beetle 1975-1979 * 1600 FI Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205H, Bosch 0231 176 044
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 114
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 5-8deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 6-12deg @ 1500rpm, 20-23deg @ 3500rpm



Beetle 1975 * 1600 FI Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205J, Bosch 0231 176 053
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 126
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv, 6-8deg Ret; Centrifugal: 6-11deg @ 1500rpm, 20-23deg @ 3500rpm



Beetle 1975 * 1600 FI Auto-Stick Trans


Distributor: VW 043-905-205J, Bosch 0231 176 053
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 126
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv, 6-8deg Ret; Centrifugal: 6-11deg @ 1500rpm, 20-23deg @ 3500rpm




Beetle (Puebla, Mexico) With Points Distributor


Distributor: VW 043-905-205 ZB, Bosch 0231 170 034 (Mexico)
Can Use: VW 113-905-205AL, Bosch 0231 146 101, VW 043 905 205, 0231 170 034 (German)
Notes: This is the Mexican manufactured version of the original 043 905 205 Distributor, originally used on 1974 Federal Manual Transmission Beetles. This was used on Mexican production Beetles early on before they switched to Electronic Ignition (year periods are unknown, but I believe it was sometime in the 80s). This distributor comes with a Single Vacuum Can is essentially a carbon copy of the original German made model. It uses all of the same components of the original German Distributor except the Condensor as noted below. Timing specs are the same as well and have not changed.
This is THE Distributor to use on your stock engine w/Solex 30PICT-3, H30/31PICT Series or 34PICT Series carbureted 1600 Beetle thru 1974 (75-79 w/Carb) & Type 2 1600 thru 1971. It is NOTrecommended for use with the 30PICT-1 or 30PICT-2 because the vacuum signal is incorrect for the vacuum assist to work properly. This Distributor is essentially a "009" with a Vacuum Advance Assist to help prevent hesitation in all of those Stop-n-Go situations in city traffic. The Mechanical Advance takes over out on the highway to provide the most excellent Advance Curve in all sorts of engine loads. If you're running an original Dual-Vacuum Distributor on your Beetle 71-74/Type 2 1971 application(s), you will need to cap off the "Retard" Vacuum Port located on the rear of the Carburetor. Available new from a number of VW Parts Suppliers.
This distributor is similar to but should not to be confused with the "Bruck Germany" Distributor being sold by a number of outfits. In actuality, this is a Chinese knock-off of the Bosch Mexican "034" and the reliability of this distributor has not yet proven itself IMHO. Let the buyer and user beware!
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054 (German model used 02 074)
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 059
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe and w/single vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 8deg @ 1300rpm, 10deg @ 1600rpm, 15deg @ 2500rpm, 20deg @ 3000rpm, 21deg @ 3500 to 4000rpm
Note: The Advance ranges shown are courtesy of Richard Atwell who performed a test of this distributor's capabilities on a Sun Distributor testing machine. You can view the appropriate advance graph images at the following links (click on them): Vacuum AdvanceCentrifigual (Mechanical)





Beetle (Puebla, Mexico) With Electronic Ignition thru 2004


Distributor: VW BAA-905-205C, Bosch 9237 040 030
Note: This is a Mechanical Advance Only Distributor equipped with an Electronic Hall Ignition. There is some information available, more to come!
Distributor Hall Sender: UNKNOWN
Ignition Control Module: VW 191-905-351B, Bosch 0227 100 142, Meyle 100 905 0005
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 212 when using Original Beru Ignition Wires
Note: 03 010 cap is interchangeable (using 09 001 Ignition Wires)
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: VW BAQ-905-115B (Echlin), Bosch UNKNOWN
Ignition Wires: See Distributor Cap & appending note above.
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 10 Degrees BEFORE Top Dead Center @ 850-900rpm (Thanks to Cliff Crate, owner of 92 Mexi-Beetle)



Bus & Pickup 1950-Mar 55 * 25/30HP


Distributor: VW 111-905-205, VE 4 BRS 383
Can Use:
Points: 01 001
Condensor: 02 006
Rotor: 1234 332 026 (NLA) > 1234 332 068 (NLA)
Cap: 1235 523 000 (NLA) > 1239 999 013 (NLA)
Coil: 01 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: None
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Bus & Pickup Mar 1955-1959 * 36HP


Distributor: VW 211-905-205E, Bosch VJR 4 BR 8/1 (0231 129 019) > 211-905-205F, VJR 4 BR 25/1 (0231 129 010) > 126-905-205 (0231 178 009) 
Can Use:
Points: 01 001
Condensor: 02 170
Rotor: 1237 332 072 (NLA) - Can use 04 008
Cap: 03 019
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: None
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Bus & Pickup 1960-1963 * 40HP


Distributor: VW 113-905-205A, Bosch ZV/PAU 4R2, 4R5 (0231 139 002) > 113-905-205B, 0231 139 006 > 311-905-205, ZV/PAU 4R4, 4R6 (0231 139 005) > 315-905-205B, 0231 137 031
Can Use: VW 111-905-205L or M, Bosch 0231 147 002 or 111-905-205N, 0231 137 005
Points: 01 006
Condensor: 02 006
Rotor: 04 010
Cap: 03 037
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 015 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 10deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 15-21deg @ 2.8 In. Hg



Bus & Pickup 1964-1965 * 1500


Distributor: VW 111-905-205L or M, Bosch ZV/JU4R3 (0231 147 002) > 111-905-205N or 113-905-205J, (Both VW Numbers are: 0231 137 005) > 315-905-205B, 0231 137 031
Can Use: VW 113-905-205A, Bosch ZV/PAU 4R2, 4R5 (0231 139 002), 113-905-205B, 0231 139 006, 311-905-205, ZV/PAU 4R4, 4R6 (0231 139 005)
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 016 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 5-11deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 23-28deg @ 3.5 In. Hg



Bus & Pickup 1966-1967 * 1500


Distributor: VW 131-905-205, Bosch 0231 137 011 > 315-905-205B, 0231 137 031
Can Use: VW 113-905-205K/L, Bosch 0231 137 009/010, 113-905-205M, 0231 137 021, 113-905-205T, 0231 137 035 or 036
Points: 01 009
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
(Note: Order 01 013 Points if using this Plate Assy)
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Parts Kit (Washers, Shims & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 070 007
Coil: 6 Volt - 00 001, 12 Volt - 00 015
Blue Coil: 6 Volt - 00 016, 12 Volt - 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe and vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 24-28deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Bus & Pickup 1968 * 1600


Distributor: VW 113-905-205M, Bosch 0231 137 021
Can Use: VW 113-905-205T, Bosch 0231 137 035 or 036
Replacement: VW 111-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 137 039
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 006 (Replacement uses 04 033)
Cap: 03 001 (Replacement uses 03 010)
Parts Kit (Washers, Shims & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 070 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 024 (Replacement uses Bosch 1237 121 400)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC Static or @800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 32-35deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Bus & Pickup 1969-1970 * 1600


Distributor: VW 113-905-205T, Bosch 0231 137 035 or 036
Can Use: VW 113-905-205M, Bosch 0231 137 021
Replacement: VW 111-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 137 039
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 111-905-227B, Bosch 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Washers, Shims & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 070 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 024 (Replacement uses 1237 121 400)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 32-35deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Bus & Pickup 1971 * 1600


Distributor: VW 211-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 167 055 or 211-905-205S, 0231 180 001 > 043-905-205D, 0231 176 033
Can Use: VW 043-905-205D, Bosch 0231 176 033, 113-905-205AH, 0231 167 053
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227A, Bosch 1237 110 064
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Note: 205S/001 Distributors originally equipped with 04 021 Speed Limiting Rotor (4500rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 092
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 2-5deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 12-16deg @ 2200rpm, 22-25deg @ 3800rpm



Bus & Pickup 1972 * 1700


Distributor: VW 021-905-205E, Bosch 0231 173 005
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Points Replacement Plate Assy: VW 311-905-227C, Bosch1237 110 161
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 101
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv, 11-15deg Ret; Centrifugal: 13-16deg @ 2000rpm, 23-26deg @ 3600 rpm



Bus & Pickup 1973 * 1700 Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 021-905-205J, Bosch 0231 173 009 or 010 > 021-905-205N, 0231 181 005
Can Use: VW 021-905-205N, Bosch 0231 181 005
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 03-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 113
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 10deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 7-12deg Adv, 16-18deg Ret; Centrifugal: 9-14deg @ 2000rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400 rpm



Bus 1973 * 1700 Auto Trans


Distributor: VW 021-905-205F, Bosch 0231 173 007 > 021-905-205F, 0231 173 008
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 101
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv, 11-14deg Ret; Centrifugal: 14deg @ 1700 rpm, 15-19deg @ 2400 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400rpm



Bus & Pickup 1974 * 1700 Manual Trans, Dual Carbs


Distributor: VW 021-905-205N, Bosch 0231 181 005
Can Use: VW 021-905-205J, Bosch 0231 173 009 or 010
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 115
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At: 10deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 7-12deg Adv, 16-18deg Ret; Centrifugal: 9-14deg @ 1600rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400 rpm



Bus 1974 * 1700 Auto Trans Dual Carbs


Distributor: VW 021-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 181 003
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 116
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 9-12deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 9-14deg @ 2000rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400 rpm



Bus & Pickup 1974 * 1800 Manual Trans Dual Carbs


Note: Bosch lists this application as Federal Models Only


Distributor: VW 021-905-205N, Bosch 0231 181 005
Can Use: VW 021-905-205J, Bosch 0231 173 009 or 010
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 115
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 10deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 7-12deg Adv, 16-18deg Ret; Centrifugal: 9-14deg @ 2000rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400 rpm



Bus & Pickup 1974 * 1800 Auto Trans Dual Carbs


Note: Bosch lists this application as Federal Models Only


Distributor: VW 021-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 181 003
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: Originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 113
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 9-12deg Adv, 11-13deg Ret; Centrifugal: 9-14deg @ 2000rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400 rpm



Bus 1974 * 1800 Auto Trans Fuel Injected


Distributor: VW 022-905-205S, Bosch 0231 170 093
Can Use: VW 021-905-205P, Bosch 0231 168 005
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 060
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W7CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8.5-11deg Adv @ 7.9 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 8-13deg @ 1600rpm, 20.5-24.5deg @ 3400 rpm



Bus & Pickup 1975-Early 1976 * 1800 (75), 2000 (76) Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 021-905-205AB, 0231 176 048, 022-905-205AB, 0231 181 012
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: 0231 181 012 dist originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 125
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950 rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-11deg Adv @ 7.9 In. Hg, 11-13deg Ret @7.9 In. Hg; Centrifigual: 11-17deg @ 2000 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3600 rpm



Bus 1975-Early 1976 * 1800 (75), 2000 (76) Auto Trans


Distributor: VW 021-905-205AC, Bosch 0231 176 055 > 022-905-205AC, 0231 181 014
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: 0231 181 014 dist originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400 rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 127
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 900-1000 rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 3-7deg Adv @ 6.3 In. Hg, 11-13deg Ret @ 8.2 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 11-17deg @ 2000 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3600 rpm



Bus & Pickup Late 1976-1978 All States, 1979 Federal * 2000


Note: This Distributor also fits Type 4 (412) 1974
Distributor: VW 021-905-205P, Bosch 0231 168 005 > 022-905-205S, 0231 170 093
Note: 0231 170 093 dist primarily used on California Late 1976-1978 and all Federal 1979 Models
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Note: 0231 168 005 dist originally equipped with Speed Limiting Rotor 04 016 (5400rpm)
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 060
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC @ 850-950 rpm (Man Trans), 900-1000 rpm (Auto Trans) w/strobe, vacuum hose connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8.5-11deg Adv @ 7.9 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 8-13deg @ 1600 rpm, 20.5-24.5 @ 3400 rpm



Bus Calif 1979 * 2000


Distributor: VW 039-905-205C, Bosch 0237 022 009
Can Use: (Same as Vanagon Calif 80-83 Air Cooled - See Below)
Dist Hall Sender w/Parts: 035-998-065, Bosch 1237 011 050
Ignition Control Module (On Left Firewall): VW 211-905-351B or D, Bosch 0227 100 137
(Note: VW has superseded this to 191-905-351B, Bosch 0227 100 142. This unit is supposed to be heavier duty, mounted onto it's own cast iron heat sink, which is in turn mounted to the existing heat sink on the left firewall. Longer sheet metal screws will be needed when performing this superseded installation.)
Note: Will replace OE Fairchild/Telefunken Module if installed
Rotor: 04 038
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Internal Distributor Parts:
Hall Impulse Generator: 035-905-315 1237 031 053 > 1237 031 061
(Note: Very expensive by itself - cheaper to buy Hall Sender w/Parts above) 
Timing Core/Rotor (Reluctor): 071-905-309A, 1231 328 032 > 049-905-309A, 1231 328 046
Pin for Reluctor: 035-905-319, 1233 101 035
Coned Spring Washer for Reluctor: 035-905-321, 1230 150 004
"C" Lock Ring for Reluctor (2 Req'd): 035-905-323, 1230 118 002
Black Plastic Hall Connector on side of Distributor: 035-905-331, 1230 329 009
Coil: 00 041
Vacuum Can: 07 163
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950 rpm (Manual Trans), @ 850-1000 rpm (Auto Trans) w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 11-13deg Adv @ 9.4 In. Hg, 11-13deg Ret @ 9.4 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 9-13deg @ 1600 rpm, 12-16deg @ 2800 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3600 rpm
Note: In regards to the Vacuum Advance - Bentley Vanagon states that there is 9-12deg Advance @ 8.2 In. Hg, even though they are the same distributors - possible discrepancy?



Vanagon Calif 1980-1983 * 2000


Distributor: VW 039-905-205C, Bosch 0237 022 009
Can Use: (Same as Bus Calif 1979 - See Above)
Dist Hall Sender w/Parts: 035-998-065, Bosch 1237 011 050
Ignition Control Module (On Left Firewall): VW 211-905-351B or D, Bosch 0227 100 137
(Note: VW has superseded this to 191-905-351B, Bosch 0227 100 142. This unit is supposed to be heavier duty, mounted onto it's own cast iron heat sink, which is in turn mounted to the existing heat sink on the left firewall. Longer sheet metal screws will be needed when performing this superseded installation.)
Note: Will replace OE Fairchild/Telefunken Module if installed
Rotor: 04 038
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Internal Distributor Parts:
Hall Impulse Generator: 035-905-315 1237 031 053 > 1237 031 061
(Note: Very expensive by itself - cheaper to buy Hall Sender w/Parts above) 
Timing Core/Rotor (Reluctor): 071-905-309A, 1231 328 032 > 049-905-309A, 1231 328 046
Pin for Reluctor: 035-905-319, 1233 101 035
Coned Spring Washer for Reluctor: 035-905-321, 1230 150 004
"C" Lock Ring for Reluctor (2 Req'd): 035-905-323, 1230 118 002
Black Plastic Hall Connector on side of Distributor: 035-905-331, 1230 329 009
Coil: 00 041
Vacuum Can: 07 163
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 800-950 rpm (Manual Trans), @ 850-1000 rpm (Auto Trans) w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected. Idle Stabilizer must be disconnected and it's plugs directly connected together (bypassing the Stabilizer) for accurate timing with strobe. Reconnect Idle Stabilizer when timing is set.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 9-12deg Adv @ 8.2 In. Hg, 11-13deg Ret @ 8.2 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 9-13deg @ 1600 rpm, 12-16deg @ 2800 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3600 rpm
Note: In regards to the Vacuum Advance - Bentley Bus states that there is 11-13deg Advance @ 9.4 In. Hg, even though they are the same distributors - possible discrepancy?



Vanagon Federal 1980-1983 * 2000


Note: This Distributor also fits Type 4 (412) 1974
Distributor: VW 022-905-205S, Bosch 0231 170 093
Note: VW 021-905-205P, Bosch 022-905-205S, 0231 168 005
Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 060
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC @ 850-950 rpm (Man Trans), 900-1000 rpm (Auto Trans) w/strobe, vacuum hose connected. (Bentley Table on Page 28.3 incorrectly states with hose disconnected).
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv @ 7.9 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 9-14deg @ 1600 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3400 rpm



Vanagon 1983-1984 * 1900 Digijet


Distributor: VW 025-905-205D, Bosch 0237 022 025
Can Use:
Dist Hall Sender w/Parts: 035-998-065, Bosch 1237 011 050
Ignition Control Module (On Left Firewall): VW 211-905-351B or D, Bosch 0227 100 137
(Note: VW has superseded this to 191-905-351B, Bosch 0227 100 142. This unit is supposed to be heavier duty, mounted onto it's own cast iron heat sink, which is in turn mounted to the existing heat sink on the left firewall. Longer sheet metal screws will be needed when performing this superseded installation.)
Note: Will replace OE Fairchild/Telefunken Module if installed
Rotor: 04 038
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Note: If equipped with Ignition Wires with Suppressors at Both Ends (Bosch 09 272), use 03 212
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Internal Distributor Parts:
Hall Impulse Generator: 035-905-315 1237 031 053 > 1237 031 061
(Note: Very expensive by itself - cheaper to buy Hall Sender w/Parts above) 
Timing Core/Rotor (Reluctor): 071-905-309A, 1231 328 032 > 049-905-309A, 1231 328 046
Pin for Reluctor: 035-905-319, 1233 101 035
Coned Spring Washer for Reluctor: 035-905-321, 1230 150 004
"C" Lock Ring for Reluctor (2 Req'd): 035-905-323, 1230 118 002
Black Plastic Hall Connector on side of Distributor: 035-905-331, 1230 329 009
Coil: 00 041
Vacuum Can: 07 212
Ignition Wires:
If using 03 010 Cap: 09 180
If using 03 212 Cap: 09 272
Spark Plug: W7CC, WR7DTC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 850 rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected. Idle Stabilizer must be disconnected and it's plugs directly connected together (bypassing the Stabilizer) for accurate timing with strobe. Reconnect Idle Stabilizer when timing is set.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 12-16deg Adv @ 10.6 In. Hg, 9-11deg Ret @ 10.6 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 16-20deg @ 2400 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3800 rpm



Vanagon 1985 * 1900 Digijet


Distributor: VW 025-905-205K, Bosch 0237 022 045
Can Use:
Dist Hall Sender Only: Bosch: 1237 010 027
Ignition Control Module (On Left Firewall): VW 211-905-351B or D, Bosch 0227 100 137
(Note: VW has superseded this to 191-905-351B, Bosch 0227 100 142. This unit is supposed to be heavier duty, mounted onto it's own cast iron heat sink, which is in turn mounted to the existing heat sink on the left firewall. Longer sheet metal screws will be needed when performing this superseded installation.)
Note: Will replace OE Fairchild/Telefunken Module if installed
Rotor: 04 038
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Internal Distributor Parts:
Timing Core/Rotor (Reluctor): 071-905-309A, 1231 328 032 > 049-905-309A, 1231 328 046
Pin for Reluctor: 035-905-319, 1233 101 035
Coned Spring Washer for Reluctor: 035-905-321, 1230 150 004
"C" Lock Ring for Reluctor (2 Req'd): 035-905-323, 1230 118 002
Black Plastic Hall Connector on side of Distributor: 035-905-331, 1230 329 009
Coil: 00 061
Vacuum Can: 07 212
Ignition Wires: 09 272
Spark Plug: W7CC, WR7DTC
Timing Set At:: 5deg ATDC @ 850 rpm w/strobe, vacuum hose(s) connected. Idle Stabilizer must be disconnected and it's plugs directly connected together (bypassing the Stabilizer) for accurate timing with strobe. Reconnect Idle Stabilizer when timing is set.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 12-16deg Adv @ 10.6 In. Hg, 9-11deg Ret @ 10.6 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 16-20deg @ 2400 rpm, 21-25deg @ 3800 rpm



Vanagon 1986-1991 * 2100 Digifant


86-90 * To VIN 25-L-060000: VW 025-905-205M, Bosch 0237 520 007 > 025-905-205AC, 0237 520 038
90-91 * Fr VIN 25-L-060001 to VIN 25-M-105000: VW 025-905-205AC, Bosch 0237 520 038 > 025-905-205AG, 0237 520 046
1991 * Fr VIN 25-L-105001: VW 025-905-205AG, Bosch 0237 520 046
Dist Hall Sender Only: Bosch 1237 010 027
Ignition Control Module: None. Ignition and Advance controlled by Digifant ECU
Rotor: 04 170
Cap: 205M Dist 86-88: 03 212; 205M Dist 89-Early 90: 03 214; 205AC Dist: 03 360; 205AG Dist: 03 368
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Coil: 86-87: 00 061; 88-89: 00 074; 90-91: 00 061
Vacuum Can: None. Advance controlled by Digifant ECU
Ignition Wires: 09 272
Spark Plug: W7CC, WR7DTC
Timing Set At:: 5deg BTDC @ 2000 rpm w/strobe. Thermotime Sensor (Digifant ECU Temp Sensor II) must be disconnected when performing timing adjustment. Engine Oil Temperature must be at 80c (176F) minimum.
Advance/Retard Range: Digifant ECU Controlled: 35deg @ 3000 rpm (+ or - 5deg)



Type 3 61-63 * 1500


Distributor: VW 311-905-205, Bosch ZV/PAU 4R4, ZV/PAU 4R6 (0231 139 005)
Can Use: VW 113-905-205A, Bosch ZV/PAU 4R2, 4R5 (0231 139 002) or 113-905-205B, 0231 139 006, or 111-905-205L or M, Bosch 0231 147 002 or 111-905-205N, 0231 137 005
Replacement: VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031
Points: 01 006
Condensor: 02 006
Rotor: 04 010
Cap: 03 037
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 015 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 5-11deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 23-28deg @ 3.5 In. Hg



Type 3 1964 * 1500N


Distributor: VW 111-905-205L, Bosch ZV/JU 4R3 (0231 147 002)
Can Use: VW 111-905-205M, Bosch 0231 147 002 or 111-905-205N, 0231 137 005
Replacement: VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 016 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 5-11deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 23-28deg @ 3.5 In. Hg



Type 3 1964 * 1500S


Distributor: VW 341-905-205, Bosch ZV/JCU 4R3 (0231 150 001)
Replacement: VW 311-905-205R, Bosch 0231 150 010
Points: 01 002
Condensor: 02 006
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 002 (NLA)
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 1237 121 179 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: Static Timing: If Pulley has two notches, it is set at the right notch which is 10 Degrees Before Top Dead Center (BTDC). If the pulley has three notches, it is set at the right notch which is 12.5 Degrees BTDC.
(Note: Models timed at 12.5 BTDC usually required high octane gasoline)
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-11 deg Adv (approximate). Centrifigual: 15-21deg @ 4200rpm
Distributor notes: This was a unique distributor installed on the "S" Models in 1964. At first glance it looks like a Beetle 36hp "cast-iron" distributor with a push-on (not screw-on) vacuum advance unit (and it does use the 36hp points). In addition the centrifigual advance was a dual weight model, while most other VW models using centrifigual advance used single weights. Dual weights do allow for better power through all acceleration modes and it's a shame VW didn't continue it. Having owned a 64 Notchback 1500S, I was impressed at the response of this distributor throughout the powerband even when I upgraded to a fresh 1600 engine. Even though used only one year and some parts like the cap and vacuum can are hard to find, I whole heartily recommend this distributor for any carburetted Type 3 application, whether for sport or every day driving use.



Type 3 1964 * 1500S (Replacement Distributor)


Distributor: VW 311-905-205R, Bosch 0231 150 010
Points: 01 011
Condensor: Unknown
(Note: Neither VW or Bosch lists this part in any of their references!)
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil 00 016)
Vacuum Can: Unknown
(Note: Neither VW or Bosch lists this part in any of their references!)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: Static Timing: If Pulley has two notches, it is set at the right notch which is 10 Degrees Before Top Dead Center (BTDC). If the pulley has three notches, it is set at the right notch which is 12.5 Degrees BTDC.
(Note: Models timed at 12.5 BTDC usually required high octane gasoline)
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown - may be the same as 0231 150 001 above



Type 3 Early 1965 * 1500N


Note: This application is up to Engine 784 309
Distributor: VW 111-905-205M, Bosch ZV/JU 4R3 (0231 147 002)
Replacement: VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 016 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 5-11deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 23-28deg @ 3.5 In. Hg



Type 3 Early 1965 * 1500S


Note: This application is up to Engine 784 309
Distributor: VW 311-905-205D, Bosch 0231 147 006
Replacement: VW 311-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 137 033
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Type 3 Late 1965 * 1500N


Note: This application is from Engine 784 310 thru 1 100 000
Distributor: VW 111-905-205N, Bosch 0231 137 005
Replacement: VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil: 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 016 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum Advance Only: 5-11deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 23-28deg @ 3.5 In. Hg



Type 3 Late 1965 * 1500S


Note: This application is from Engine 784 310 thru 1 100 000
Distributor: VW 311-905-205E, Bosch 0231 137 007
Replacement: VW 311-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 137 033
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Type 3 1966 * 1600


Distributor: VW 311-905-205F, Bosch 0231 137 013
Replacement: VW 311-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 137 033
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 001 (Blue Coil 00 016)
Vacuum Can: 07 016 (NLA)
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Type 3 1967 * 1600


Distributor: VW 311-905-205G, Bosch 0231 137 017 or 018
Replacement: VW 311-905-205Q, 0231 137 033
Points: 01 009
Condensor: 02 007
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Unknown



Type 3 69-69 * 1600 Fuel Injected Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 311-905-205L, Bosch 0231 163 001
Replacement: VW 311-905-205AB, Bosch 0231 163 008 > 311-905-205AC, 0231 163 018
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 039
Rotor: 04 007 (Can use 04 006)
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 022
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 0deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged



Type 3 69-70 * 1600 Fuel Injected Automatic


Distributor: VW 311-905-205M, Bosch 0231 163 003
Replacement: VW 311-905-205AD, Bosch 0231 163 016
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 039
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00012)
Vacuum Can: 07 022
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 0deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged



Type 3 1970 * 1600 Fuel Injected Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 311-905-205AB, Bosch 0231 163 008
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 039
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 022
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 0deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv; Centrifugal: 10-14deg @ 1500rpm, 20-23deg @ 2300rpm, 27-30 @2800rpm



Type 3 1971 * 1600 Fuel Injected Manual Trans


Distributor: VW 311-905-205AC, Bosch 0231 163 018
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 039
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 022
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 0deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged



Type 3 1971 * 1600 Fuel Injected Automatic


Distributor: VW 311-905-205AD, Bosch 0231 163 016
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 039
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00012)
Vacuum Can: 07 044
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 044
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 0deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged



Type 3 1972 * 1600 Fuel Injected Manual Trans


Note: Bosch shows this distributor to be installed through April 1972 which may be incorrect. VW shows this distributor to be installed throughout the 1972 model year in North America.
Distributor: VW 311-905-205AE, Bosch 0231 172 009
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 100
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/both vacuum hoses disconnected and plugged. When finished with timing and hoses plugged in, possible readjustment of idle to 850-900rpm may be needed
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv, 9-10deg Ret; Centrifugal: 11-16deg @ 1800rpm, 19-23deg @ 4000rpm



Type 3 1972 * 1600 Fuel Injected Automatic


Note: Bosch shows this distributor to be installed through April 1972 which may be incorrect. VW shows this distributor to be installed throughout the 1972 model year in North America.
Distributor: VW 311-905-205AF, Bosch 0231 172 011
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 100
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/both vacuum hoses disconnected and plugged. When finished with timing and hoses plugged in, possible readjustment of idle to 900-1000rpm may be needed
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8-12deg Adv, 9-10deg Ret; Centrifugal: 12-18deg @ 1800rpm, 19-23deg @ 4000rpm



Type 3 1973 * 1600 Fuel Injected Manual Transmission


Note: Bosch shows this distributor to be installed from April 1972 which may be incorrect. VW shows this distributor for North America to be installed on 1973 models only.
Distributor: VW 311-905-205AG, Bosch 0231 163 027
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 052
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/both vacuum hoses disconnected and plugged. When finished with timing and hoses plugged in, possible readjustment of idle to 850-900rpm may be needed



Type 3 1973 * 1600 Fuel Injected Automatic


Note: Bosch shows this distributor to be installed from April 1972 which may be incorrect. VW shows this distributor for North America to be installed on 1973 models only.
Distributor: VW 311-905-205AH, Bosch 0231 163 029
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 052
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 004
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At: 5deg BTDC @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/both vacuum hoses disconnected and plugged. When finished with timing and hoses plugged in, possible readjustment of idle to 900-1000rpm may be needed



Type 4 411 70-72 * 1700 D-Jetronic FI Manual Transmission


Distributor: VW 022-905-205AE, Bosch 0231 172 007/008 > 022-905-205P, 0231 172 019/020
Replacement: VW 022-905-205P, Bosch 0231 172 019/020 Can Use:
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 054 (Superseded from 1237 330 170)
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 085
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W8CC
Timing Set At: 27deg BTDC @ 3500rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected. Red Mark on the Fan/Pulley must align with the "v" notch viewed thru the access hole in top center rear of fan housing.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 11-14deg Adv, 8-12deg Ret; Centrifugal: 10-15deg @ 1500rpm, 14-19deg @ 2000rpm, 22-27deg @ 3000rpm



Type 4 411 71-72 * 1700 D-Jetronic FI Automatic


Distributor: VW 022-905-205AH, Bosch 0231 163 011 or 012
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Points Plate Assembly: VW 311-905-227C, Bosch 1237 110 161
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00012)
Vacuum Can: 07 042
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W7CC
Timing Set At: 27deg BTDC @ 3500rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected. Red Mark on the Fan/Pulley must align with the "v" notch viewed thru the access hole in top center rear of fan housing.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 11-13deg Adv; Centrifugal: 10-15deg @ 1500rpm, 22-27deg @ 3000rpm



Type 4 412 1973 * 1700 D-Jetronic FI


Distributor: VW 022-905-205P, Bosch 0231 172 019 or 020
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Points Plate Assembly: VW 311-905-227C, Bosch 1237 110 161
Condensor: 02 054
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 07 109 > 07 140
FI Trigger Points Assembly: 1230 090 000
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W7CC
Timing Set At: 27deg BTDC @ 3500rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected. Red Mark on the Fan/Pulley must align with the "v" notch viewed thru the access hole in top center rear of fan housing.



Type 4 412 * 1800 L-Jetronic FI


Note: This Distributor also fits Type 2 Late 76-78 & Type 2/Vanagon Federal 79-83
Distributor: VW 022-905-205S, Bosch 0231 170 093
Replacement: Same
Points: 01 011
Condensor: 02 074
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Parts Kit (Shims, Washers & Hardware): 059-998-211, Bosch 1237 010 007
Coil: 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 060
Ignition Wires: 09 171
Spark Plug: W7CC
Timing Set At: 5deg BTDC @ 900-1000rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected & plugged. Red Mark on the Fan/Pulley must align with the "v" notch viewed thru the access hole in top center rear of fan housing.
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum: 8.5-11deg Adv @ 7.9 In. Hg; Centrifugal: 8-13deg @ 1600 rpm, 20.5-25.5 @ 3400 rpm



VW Models Equipped With "009" Distributor


Distributor: VW 126-905-205, Bosch 0231 178 009
Chrome Version: Bosch 9230 081 094
Can Use: 0231 178 001, 0231 178 003, 0231 129 010, 0231 129 019
Note: The 001 distributor has VW# 126-905-205 stamped above the Bosch number and is primarily used on industrial engines for constant high rpm use. The 003 was the successor to the 001 and 009 succeeded the 001 or 003 as per Bosch microfiche. The 001 or 003 Looks identical to the "009". I have a 001 and 003 in my "permanent" distributor collection (somebody's gotta have a hobby!).
Points: 01 030
Condensor: 02 086
Rotor: 04 033
Dust Cover: 039-905-241, Bosch 1230 500 139 > 1230 500 147
Cap: 03 010
Distributor Cap Clip: 034-905-265, Bosch 1231 251 033
Coil: 6 Volt - 00 016, 12 Volt - 00 012
Timing Set At:: Most applications - 5 to 7.5deg BTDC Static. Full advance should not exceed 32 degrees at 3000rpm with stroboscopic timing light. Here's a couple of links dealing with this subject:

Ken Hooper's Timing The Bosch 009

Ken's Buggy Barn Timing A 009 Distributor



Models Equipped With "050" Distributor


Distributor: Bosch 9230 081 050 
Points: 9232 081 044 (Can use 01 030)
Condensor: 9231 081 465 (Can use 02 086)
Rotor: 9231 081 628
Cap: 9 231 081 413
Coil: 6 Volt - 00 016, 12 Volt - 00 012

Here's a bit of Info on the "050"

Andy McKinley's "050" Distributor Reviewed



Models using VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031


Distributor: VW 315-905-205B, Bosch 0231 137 031
Models Installed On: This was VW's primary replacement Distributor for 40HP, 1300 and 1500 Engines on Beetles 61-67 and Buses 60-67. In addition, this was the primary replacement distributor for all single carburetted Type 3 1500 61-64.
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Coil: 6 Volt - 00 001, 12 Volt - 00 015
Blue Coil: 6 Volt - 00 016, 12 Volt - 00 012
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 7.5deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 24-28deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Models using VW 111-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 137 039


Distributor: VW 111-905-205AA, Bosch 0231 137 039
Models Installed On: This was VW's primary replacement Distributor for 1500/1600 Engines on Beetles Manual Trans 68-70 and 1600 Engines on Buses 68-70.
Points: 01 013
Points Replacement Plate Assy: 1237 110 139
Condensor: 02 007 - Note: If equipped w/AC use 02 069
Rotor: 04 033
Cap: 03 010
Coil: 00 015 (Blue Coil: 00 012)
Vacuum Can: 1237 121 400 (VW 111-905-271C)
Ignition Wires: 09 001
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 0deg TDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged
Advance/Retard Range: Vacuum (Advance Only): 17-19deg @ 1.3 In. Hg, 32-35deg @ 3.2 In. Hg



Type 3 Models Using VW 311-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 137 033


Distributor: VW 311-905-205Q, Bosch 0231 137 033
Models Installed On: This was VW's primary replacement Distributor for 1500/1600 Engines on Type 3 65-67 w/Dual Carburetors.
Points: 01 013
Condensor: 02 069
Rotor: 04 006
Cap: 03 001
Vacuum Can: 07 017
Ignition Wires: 09 003
Spark Plug: W8AC
Timing Set At:: 10deg BTDC Static or @ 800-950rpm w/strobe w/vacuum hose disconnected and plugged




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